Yes! After 2 months of silencio, here I am!
Turns out 7 classes + p/t nannying + rowing + interning + attempting to have some form of a social life = exhaustion, awesomeness, and lack of blogging.
However, as of today:
classes=done (til June 4)
interning=done (til late Aug)
rowing season=over tomorrow at 7:30am
which leaves p/t nannying + social life for now til Sat AM, when it all falls apart as J leaves for Philly, P leaves for Dallas, D leaves for Houston, S & T leave for Alaska, E leaves for NYC, and so forth. Boo! Enormous boo.
Honestly? I rarely find things that are weird/surprising/odd/new/confusing to me about Texas now. Still occasionally humorous but maybe only because I got so used to looking for things for this bloggy.

However... I'll be in the North (and yes, I use phrases like "The North" regularly and it doesn't sound odd to my ear) for 5 days very soon so this may change.
So here you go. Let's see if I can keep it up.
<--- photograph from a shop in Fredricksburg.
(Who knew there were German settlements in TX?!)